Kicks Craft - Star Wars: The force (un)-laced

Sometimes inspiration come from very strange angles ...

As a huge star wars fan that I have been ever since I was 9 years old it was only a matter of time until I start working on a star wars themed custom sneaker.
The result was also featured on the snkrhds blog:

The hardest part was actually to find a proper fabric with the right kind of detail. What can I say ... Well ... I found one :-) 

I had to buy 2 packs of the biggest size in order to have enough fabric to cover all parts of the shoe that I wanted to customized. Once again I used the Nike Roshe Run in all navy as a base shoe for this custom. 

Because of the full body canvas the Roshe Run was one of the best sneaker to use as a basis when you want to work with fabrics. Nowadays I don't do customs on the Roshe Run anymore because it's a sneaker silhouette that I don't dig anymore.

After cutting out the proper sample / template of the fabric the next step was the tape preparation because I wanted to go for a speckled mid sole to represent the galaxy (to go with the star wars theme).

That alone already gave the shoe a great uplift in my opinion but obviously the biggest chunk of work was still ahead of me.

Step two then was adjusting the templates to the base shoe with a few drops of a special glue - just to make sure it won't move once I start making the first stitches and cutting away the overlapping material.

The heel cap by the way is fully glued as there is less tear on the material compared to the toe box.

The next pictures are before making the first stitches as you can tell by looking closely to the tongue area. 

The stitching on both shoes took me about 3 days (each day approx. 6h of work) and some bloody fingertips. But the result was really worth the effort especially because this is a everyday wearable custom that won't loose it's finished look.

Here are some more detailed shots made with a high quality camera for internationally known sneaker blog snkrhds
You can find the feature of "The force un-laced Custom" on snkrhds blog under following link: 

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